‘We are set for the next 20 years’ ‘When something works well, a short but sweet story is enough’, smiles Koos Oijevaar. The bulb shower, which was delivered by AgrinServ to Gebr. Oijevaar & [...]
‘When something is wrong, they are always there to help us’ LOF BV is a loyal customer of AgrinServ. This company from Espel has been in the chicory business for over 40 years and travels all [...]
‘A partner with whom we can move into the future’ Spruit Witlofkwekerij from Nibbixwoud has been a loyal partner of AgrinServ for years. The first contact came about thanks to Roel Spruit and [...]
Immersion tank at KoelVries BV in Nagele ‘We use the immersion tank all throughout the year’ In the barn of KoelVries BV, there is an immersion tank designed by AgrinServ. KoelVries dips [...]